Program and Speakers
09.15 Welcome, introduction - Johannes Stückelberger
09.25 Cornerstones of church real estate strategies - Matthias Haag
09.50 Information and food for thought on the financial context - Daniel Kosch
10.15 Break
10.45 Church buildings at the service of society - Jean-Baptiste Henry de Diesbach
11.10 Less is more - Sufficiency as a concern of heritage conservation - Reto Wasser and Friederike Merkel
11.35 Managing church real estate profitably - Martina Wäckerlin
12.00 Podium - With the morning's speakers
12.30 Lunch
14.00 Real estate strategies of rural church communities and parishes - Pfarrei Herz-Jesu Guttet-Feschel (Beatrice Meichtry, Philipp Loretan); Reformierte Kirche Wettingen-Neuenhof (Lutz Fischer-Lamprecht)
14.30 Real estate strategies of urban parishes and parishioners - Evangelisch-reformierte Gesamtkirchgemeinde Bern (Andreas Münger); Catholic Church in the Living Space St. Gallen, Parish of St. Gallen (Sonja Gemeinder)
15.00 Real estate strategies of cantonal churches and dioceses - Bistum Basel/Diocèse de Bâle (Alexandra Mütel); Evangelisch-reformierte Landeskirche des Kantons Zürich (Dieter Zaugg)
15.20 Break
15.50 Panel and plenary discussion - With the speakers of the afternoon and the participants
16.30 Information
17.00 End of the conference
The morning's speakers
Matthias Haag
Dr. sc. techn. ETH, construction management and building realisation; Dipl. Arch. ETH/SIA, Architecture, Real Estate Expert, Head of Real Estate of the Evangelical Reformed Church Community of Zurich.
Jean-Baptiste Henry de Diesbach
Dipl. Ing., Management, Engineering, President of the Board of Directors of the Diocese of Lausanne, Geneva and Fribourg, Lecturer in Corporate Management and Entrepreneurship at the HES-SO.
Daniel Kosch
Dr. theol., former Secretary General of the Roman Catholic Central Conference of Switzerland. Author, among other things, of the publication "Die öffentliche Finanzierung der katholischen Kirche in der Schweiz".
Friederike Merkel
Architect MSc ETH, author of a Master's thesis with Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg and Prof. Adam Caruso entitled "Steffisviertel" (conversion study of the Stefanskirche in Zurich Hirzenbach, alternative proposal to the planned replacement building), collaborator with Hauser Meier Architects.
Johannes Stückelberger
Prof. Dr., art historian, lecturer in religious and ecclesiastical aesthetics at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Bern and titular professor of modern art history at the University of Basel.
Martina Wäckerlin
Architect MSc ETH, Director at Wüest Partner AG, consultancy in real estate development and valuation, author of the article "The financial value of building culture" in TEC21.
Reto Wasser
Architect MSc ETH, teaching assistant at the Chair of Structural Heritage and Historic Preservation (Prof. Dr. Silke Langenberg) at ETH Zurich.
Speakers of the afternoon
Lutz Fischer-Lamprecht
Pastor, theologian, pastor in the Reformed Parish of Wettingen-Neuenhof, trained as an insurance specialist, CAS in business administration, President of the Wettingen Residents' Council, Councillor of the Canton of Aargau, President of the Synod of the Reformed Church of Aargau (2023-2026).
Sonja Gemeinder
Nurse, member of the Board of Directors of the Catholic Church in the living area of St. Gallen, parish of St. Gallen.
Philipp Loretan
President of the Municipality of Guttet-Feschel, president of the Board of Trustees of the TriPLUS Guttet-Feschel Foundation.
Beatrice Meichtry
President of the Valais delegation of Loterie Romande, Church Councillor of the Parish of Guttet-Feschel, Vice-President of the Board of Trustees of the TriPLUS Guttet-Feschel Foundation.
Andreas Münger
Dipl. Arch FH, MAS REM, Head of the Building and Real Estate Department of the Protestant Reformed Church of Bern.
Alexandra Mütel
Dr. phil., art historian, archivist, specialist archivist of the diocese of Basel in Solothurn, member of the Diocesan Building and Art Commission of the Diocese of Basel.
Dieter Zaugg
FH Economics and Business Administration, MBA HSG in Business Engineering, Head of Resources of the Evangelical Reformed Church of the Canton of Zurich.