Swiss Religious Heritage Day


The presentations and panel discussions of the 2nd Swiss Religious Heritage Day are here available as cinematic documentation.The choice fell on the medium of the film, rather than a written publication, as it would be better suited for the rendition of the discussions, which had an important place at the meeting: with three panel discussions, a one-hour plenary discussion at the end and discussions after the speeches.


Church Conversions. With an Eye on the Inividual. 2nd Swiss Religious Heritage Day. Congress Report

The congress report summarizes important results of the 2nd Swiss Religious Heritage Day, with excerpts from presentations and panel discussions.Topics like Church conversions as an element of church evolution, church conversions as a topic of historic preservation, church conversions as a challenge for the parishes, church conversions in the dialogue between church and city, church conversions from the perspective of new users, church conversions as a topic of civil society.

The film is suitable as an introduction to the topic of church conversions.

-> Film Tagungsbericht

Duration: 9:26

Johannes Stückelberger (Skript, Sprecher), Leila Kühni (Produktion, Schnitt), Mortaza Shahed, Christoph Walther (Kamera)



In ten films all presentations and panel discussions of the 2nd Swiss Religious Heritage Day are documented in their entirety. Total duration of the ten films: 5:57:32


1 Introduction

What is the subject of church conversions? Which questions underlie the program of the congress? From which perspectives are the questions answered?


-> Film 1

Duration 12:48

Johannes Stückelberger

PD Dr., Kunsthistoriker, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Bern, Dozent für Religions- und Kirchenästhetik, Mitarbeiter Kompetenzzentrum Liturgik.


2 Church conversions as an element of church evolution

Which pastoral concepts and strategies of church evolution underlie the church conversions of the Catholic Church of Lucerne?

-> Film 2

Duration 29:37

P. Hansruedi Kleiber SJ
Dr., Theologe, Katholische Kirche Stadt Luzern, Leiter Pastoralraum und Dekan, Präfekt der Luzerner Jesuitenkirche.


3 Church conversions as a topic of historic preservation 

With which methods does the historic preservation consider the different public and private interests of protection and use of church conversions?

-> Film 3

Duration 31:30

Reto Bieli

Lic. phil. I, Arch. FH, Kunsthistoriker, Architekt, Kantonale Denkmalpflege Basel-Stadt, Bauberater


4 Church conversions as a challenge for the parishes (panel discussion) 

Which processes raise questions of church conversions within the parishes, between the parishes, between the parishes and the entire parish and between the parishes and the quarters?

-> Film 4

Duration 44:22

David Plüss (Moderation)
Prof. Dr., Theologe, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Bern, Professor für Homiletik, Liturgik und Kirchentheorie, Co-Leiter Kompetenzzentrum Liturgik

Stephan Baumann

Kirchgemeinderat der Evang.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Matthäus, Bern

Andreas Hirschi

Präsident des Kleinen Kirchenrats der Evang.-ref. Gesamtkirchgemeinde Bern

Ernst Santschi

Kirchgemeinderat der Evang.-ref. Kirchgemeinde Frieden, Bern


5 Church conversions in dialogue between church and city

How does the Reformed Church of the City of Zurich approach the question of church conversions in the dialogue between the Ref. Stadtverband and the city? What preparatory work have Stadtverband and city already done? What is planned for the next steps?

-> Film 5

Duration 48:07

Martina Jenzer

Dr. sc. ETH Zürich, Amt für Städtebau Stadt Zürich, Leiterin Denkmalpflege

Matthias Hubacher

Architekt ETH SIA, Reformierte Kirche Zürich, Stadtverband, Baureferent des Verbandsvorstandes


6 Church sold! (panel discussion)

What considerations are behind the sale and purchase of churches? What experiences do the sellers and buyers have with it?

-> Film 6

Duration 45:48

Christoph Sigrist (Moderation)

PD Dr., Theologe, Pfarrer am Grossmünster Zürich, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Bern, Privatdozent für Diakoniewissenschaft

Giovanni Cerfeda

Eigentümer der St. Leonhardskirche, ehemals reformierte Kirche, in St. Gallen

Karl Gabler

Ehemals Präsident der Kirchenvorsteherschaft der Evang.-ref. Kirchgemeinde St. Gallen Centrum

Andrea Weinhold

Pfarrerin, Autorin der Projektidee "Beteiligungskirche St. Leonhard"


7 Gone is Gone! (Slam)

How does it sound when a commission discusses perspectives on the conversions of the church? Participants: a parson, an external expert, a monument conservator and a youth worker.

-> Film 7

Duration 12:02

Andreas Kessler

Dr., Theologe, PHBern, Dozent für Ethik, Religionen, Gemeinschaft


8 The new users of monasteries and country churches (panel discussion) 

Who are the new users of country churches and monasteries? What experiences do they do? What do they recommend?

-> Film 8

Duration 42:41

Katrin Kusmierz (Moderation)
Dr., Theologin, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Bern, wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführerin des Kompetenzzentrums Liturgik

André Keller

Eigentümer des "Dömli", ehemals reformierte Kirche, in Ebnat-Kappel

Thomas Schubiger

Mieter eines Wohnstudios "Klosternahes Wohnen" im Kapuzinerkloster Wesemlin in Luzern

Barbara van der Meulen

Dr., Kunsthistorikerin, Programmleitung Kultur im Kloster Dornach, ehemals Kapuzinerkloster, in Dornach


9 Church conversions from a financal perspective 

What do churches cost? Can recommendations be derived from this?

-> Film 9

Duration 31:34

Markus Willy

Executive Master of Real Estate Management + Eidg. Dipl. Immobilientreuhänder, Reformierte Kirche Zürich, Stadtverband, Bereichsleiter Immobilien


10 Final debate

What insights can result from the congress? Is there a conclusion?

-> Film 10

Duration 59:03

Stefan Krämer (Tagungsbeobachter)

Dr., Diplom-Soziologe, stv. Geschäftsführer, Wüstenrot Stiftung, Ludwigsburg

Katrin Kusmierz (Moderation)
Dr., Theologin, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Bern, wissenschaftliche Geschäftsführerin des Kompetenzzentrums Liturgik

David Plüss (Moderation)
Prof. Dr., Theologe, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Bern, Professor für Homiletik, Liturgik und Kirchentheorie, Co-Leiter

Johannes Stückelberger (Moderation)

PD Dr., Kunsthistoriker, Theologische Fakultät der Universität Bern, Dozent für Religions- und Kirchenästhetik, Mitarbeiter Kompetenzzentrum Liturgik